value judgments

美 [ˈvæljuː ˈdʒʌdʒmənts]英 [ˈvæljuː ˈdʒʌdʒmənts]
  • n.(根据个人观念而非事实作出的)价值判断
  • value judgment的复数
value judgmentsvalue judgments

value judgments


  • 2
    N-COUNT (根据个人观念而非事实作出的)价值判断
    If you make a value judgment about something, you form an opinion about it based on your principles and beliefs and not on facts which can be checked or proved.

    Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures...


  1. Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures


  2. Difference of the people in economic problem is not from positive study but value judgments .


  3. The study of values and value judgments .


  4. How do we make such value judgments ?


  5. The project through both static and dynamic feasibility analysis to make a reliable value judgments .


  6. There was an attempt to replace value judgments by objective , scientific evaluation .


  7. Editor 's Thinking and Value Judgments on the Intervention of Book Publishing


  8. The Paradigm Choice of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching Based on Fact Judgments and Value Judgments


  9. When discussing this issue , we must distinguish fact judgments from value judgments .


  10. This order contains the value judgments of people , order of the social system , rather than a single value .


  11. Both fraud , to deceive by facts or value judgments .


  12. The study of the nature of values and value judgments . Natural Axiology : from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value


  13. He may attempt to separate valid factual inferences from policy preferences or value judgments ;


  14. PDA limitations , time pressures , cultural distinctions and value judgments keep many readers from reading further .


  15. Though a means of achieving humanity can be made value judgments , humanity itself is not good or evil .


  16. The core values supports and affects all value judgments , it is total sum of the whole history of human development and the future .


  17. Self-esteem is the individual self-attitude and value judgments is a core part of the individual personality structure , self-concept .


  18. Computers can replace men in dull , routine tasks , but they are not creative and cannot exercise value judgments .


  19. Furthermore approaches to study novels in 90s from different angles , emerge in endlessly , even having made completely different value judgments .


  20. Based on the dual nature in value judgments of the environmental offenses , the violation of administrative law is one of the necessary conditions .


  21. Further analysis of the foundation of human understanding was found : Value judgments of human are formed in the following of the order and is not necessary .


  22. The mass media in a unique way to construct reality exerts a subtle influence our cognitive styles , behavior patterns and value judgments .


  23. The ideological nature of the teaching of ideological and political theories determines the course is an integrated unit of fact judgments and value judgments .


  24. To re-establish belief , even faith , to find a spiritual coaching in the society where the value judgments had lost .


  25. However , from the people on the left-wing literary value Judgments from the date of birth , all the way to go hand in hand .


  26. Very few of the value judgments you have incorporated into your truth are judgments you , yourself , have made based on your own experience .


  27. When conveying propositional meanings , people also inevitably express their stance , that is , their attitudes , feelings or value judgments .


  28. For science can only ascertain what is , but not what should be , and outside of its domain value judgments of all kinds remain necessary .


  29. The term TV addiction is imprecise and laden with value judgments , but it captures the essence of a very real phenomenon .


  30. Through the criticism of literary fiction , self-referential nature and the value judgments , the ideological characteristics of Eagleton literary theory is highlighted .
